late nights and loud fights
it's all just a blur

7:25 p.m. | 2005-08-01
There's A Hole In The Middle of The Prettiest Life

Death always puts a damper on life.

I mean, not only for the person who died but for everyone around them. I'm not going to claim that this person was my life, or that I'm upset about it because I'm two, maybe three people removed from him and I hate when people get torn up over death who don't deserve to be torn up over it.

He was a good friend's father. And the only reason I feel affected is because in the last week I have thought more about this friend that I have in a long time. We graduated together, she was one of my closest friends, but I haven't talked to her in a year.

I only worry because this friend of mine has the ability to embody perfection. She's intelligent and gorgeous and smart and witty and funny and sweet and so many things. She's a huge role model of mine and I only hope that she's taking this for what it is.

Death is ironically a part of life. Not something I like dealing with but something that I seem to move past quicker than others.

Veronica, if you're reading this or happen across it -- I love you, you were and are an amazing woman and I hope that things are alright at this moment and moments to come. You were an inspiration and still achieve things that I never could.

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