late nights and loud fights
it's all just a blur

2:52 p.m. | 2005-06-29
Maybe It's What He Did Last Night

I love those first few moments of a relationship that could be. Two people meeting (and none of them brash enough to say 'I like you' but both of them interested). Glances exchanged. Tones changed. Everything this whole big play to the other (a dance of sorts) though not particularly deceptive.

Because you can't know everything about a person in the first hour you meet them. I know this. So your first attempts at trying to be understood are to show all of your talents, more or less putting your items on the table, so that your sale (more than anyone else's) is the most appealing.

Whether it be in the kitchen, the bedroom, or on the stage, we all have some little area that we excel in and that is beneficial to potential lovers. We want them to know this because we desperately want to be needed.

And I love that dance, the way you smile and lick your lips lightly (I mean it could be a sign, or is she just licking her lips?) the way when I laugh it's more soft and I put my hand to my chest and tilt my head back (maybe she always laughs like that) or how when we're walking next to each other I'll glance over at you and not look away when you look at me, just smile (hell, maybe she just likes to watch people). Or maybe both sides of those are true. Either way, I like it. I love playing that role and acting that part and attempting to show off my talents, because I think I have them.

No, I know I have them (and yes, I can tie cherry stems into knots).

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