late nights and loud fights
it's all just a blur

2:22 a.m. | 2003-11-12
I Was Listening To My Playlist When...

Word of the Day for Tuesday November 11, 2003

solicitous suh-LIS-uh-tuhs, adjective:
1. Manifesting or expressing care or concern.
2. Full of anxiety or concern; apprehensive.
3. Extremely careful; meticulous.
4. Full of desire; eager.

I have extreme respect for people who have a certain devotion to things. Even more than that, I have a certain respect for people who have a devotion--but can remain open minded. I was reminded of this when I was talking to Colin tonight. I had talked to him earlier, I said I had some questions about 311, because he's the expert of course, but I was thinking of things I had been curious about. I mean he's not stupid--but he likes them, and they haven't gotten much play at all. That confused me, so I'm still trying to figure that out.

But I came to realize that while he may shut you down for some beliefs, just because in his mind they're "wrong" he still has this optimism. He'll admit to certain weaknesses...which it just, strange to me I guess. Making things appear perfect, but being willing to point out their imperfections, seems like a strange oxymoron.

I also have been feeling recently that I've been speaking in tongues, which is odd...I just feel like my sentances come out funny, or perfect or--who knows. I don't ask.

Though it is almost 3, and I'm going to see if I can get some sleep...just, I haven't been feeling well at all, I'm all achey, and my fever has made me iNsAnE. Literally I've lost it.

On a slightly better note, though...I've gotten a ton of responses from the IB kids as far as being available and getting their names on my e-mail list, and they've all been pretty helpful, and they're online, and they make me happy to talk feels good. Mmmmhmm. But I'm done for now, more updates on that later, yay!

Signing Off--Lauren

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