late nights and loud fights
it's all just a blur

4:21 p.m. | 2004-06-18


While I haven't been around too long, I found it a necessity to show you what visual changes I've gone through, and what they've allowed me or hindered me from doing.

{ Template One: }

September, 2003 - November, 2003
This template was my absolute first, post Diaryland crap. I had no idea how to find templates, what Beautify was or what I was doing. HTML wha-? With some help I managed to get my entries to show up and felt in love with this template. The love drifted off, though.

{ Template Two: }

November, 2003 - June, 2004
The second, and most changed template. I learned how to change fonts (this one was entirely in Verdana), and played with links as much as possible. It had links out to wazoo, but wasn't very formatted. In essense: the page didn't match, and as I found myself coming home and feeling more adult, I looked for a new template to match my style.

{ Template Three: }

June, 2004 - March, 2005
A custom design which held such a special place in my heart simply because it was my picture, of my home town, and my words on it. The entire thing was a play on the significance of moving home after leaving and the whole idea of growing up.

{ Template Four: }

March, 2005 - Current
I read once that life isn't about finding yourself it's about creating yourself. I agree wholeheartedly. So I'm out to make this all I can because I'm never satisfied past a day and can rarely sit still. This template helps in that regard simply because it's so versatile and easy to change.

ante / comment / post