late nights and loud fights
it's all just a blur

4:23 p.m. | 2004-04-01
I Bought A Swimsuit!

In lieu of a true entry today, I made a small change to the links section on the right. I wrote and added a yearbook section. It's all of the most precious things people said to me my senior year, and if I ever feel the need (because sadly the signatures senior year were minimal since I was busy handing out the book) I'll dig back into the older books.

These people loved me, and I loved that, so I'm simply going to cherish it the best I can, and add one more unique feature to my writing, I suppose.

For those of you not near me, I'm not in the best of health conditions, seems strep throat might haven't gotten into my system (damn the man!) though I doubt I'll be out of comission for more than a day or so.

Signing off--Lauren

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