late nights and loud fights
it's all just a blur

11:58 a.m. | 2004-03-17
So...Today I Was Hit By A Van

The topic of today's entry:

How Lauren Always Manages To Get Hit By Something And Injure Herself I got hit by a van. I know this sounds odd, and to some of you normal, but...yeah, I did it again. I was walking across the street, on the cross-walk, with the light. In Boston, for those of you who don't know, this is uncalled for. And before I know it I hear this THWAK and I feel him hit my left side, I spin, the mirror hits me, knocks me down, I end up kinda catching myself (insert flashback to breaking wrist when trying to catch self).

So I get my wits about me pretty quick (keep in mind I've done this before) and I get up, start gathering my things (one girl picked up my glasses that were a good 20 feet away), put on my flip flops and started to walk to class. Yes, I went to class, no big deal kids. He ended up driving off way before, and I dealt with it. Only thing is the MP3 player kinda...ugh. I think the world doesn't want me having a new MP3 player, I swear.

But I got to class and noticed that I got a chunk of my toe nail rippped off, joy. And my knee's all swollen today. And of course the usual reaction where your entire body is tense and tired. So while it feels like I've had the greatest work out of my life...but then there's the pain.

I'm not really upset though, and I'm really dramatizing it for here. I'm cool. I don't hurt that bad, and I'll get up and go to class and bla bla bla. Won't phase me a bit, might even go to the gym if I'm feeling crazy.

In other news...I caused a fight between a friend of mine and his girlfriend. Ugh. I don't mean to talk innapropriately, and he keeps telling me that I'm not to blame, and that I didn't say anything. I can't help but feel bad, though. Arg.

So, to bring this scattered entry to an end I give you...this nice picture of limes. (It was what I uploaded the other day for a copy of Frozen-Vodka's nano idea, and I just like limes, so deal).

Signing off--Lauren

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