late nights and loud fights
it's all just a blur

10:32 p.m. | 2003-12-19
Airports Are Pretty; But I Tend Not To Look At The Architecture

pablum PAB-luhm, noun:

Something (as writing or speech) that is trite, insipid, or simplistic.

Strange clicky keys. A tilted keyboard (eek, where's my tiny laptop?!). Strange desk lamp that I SWEAR came from 1923 and a wood burning stove. That's my Grandma's for ya. Actually, it's pretty chill, we get to be lazy, and she's cool with that, we watch bad tv and talk about fun issues and never really get anything done. I take that back, she never gets anything done. Which is acceptable, I'm so gonna be this lazy when I'm old. For now, though, I work.

So my goal is to download AIM without the grandmother knowing, that HAS to be possible, I'll just stash the icon somewhere hidden and gotta remember to delete it when I leave. For now, I write. Oh!

So yay for self confidence and Lauren. Yesterday rocked by the way, went with Jamie to get her ear pierced, talked with cute guys had a TOTALLY awesome talk with Colin (that honetly lasted 3 hours) and then talked and went to dinner with Ian, which is always a nice treat. I should make that a weekly thing, like Tuesdays with Maury, ewwwww old people. It'll be "Dinners with Ian: A Collection of Strange Yet Lovely Thoughts." Oh that just SMELLS of success.

But yesterday was just really good, and except for Colin getting wierd towards the very end of the night, we had another really good talk again. I don't know what to think of that kid, he had some things seriously guessed wrong about my personality, and I had some pegged that he never thought I would. I'm not sure what to do about it. Nothing I suppose.

On the list of things I'm not sure what to do about: Daniel. Oh lordie, he's the boy that I kinda accidentally kissed (but who really actually kissed back) who I have yet to confront and who I know will never confront me. He's away all the time, and he doesn't go idle all the time, so I know he's there. I'd be depressed if he got DeadAIM just so he wouldn't have to talk to me. I'd be sad.

I don't want to do those sorts of things to people. Oy. But there's not too much else to say besides a few lessons I learned today:

1) People in airports get stressed. I hate stressful people.

2) People get way too worked up about luggage. I don't have my bags. I don't have clothes. I don't care.

3) People are way too critical for my own good. Yelling at the lady ain't gonna fix it lady, get over it.

and lastly...

4) No matter what, don't give a shit. You feel better in the end when you don't worry about who never said goodbye, or who's being a bad friend, or even who is hurting you more than you know. Don't give a shit. Be yourself. Push through. Be independant. It doesn't matter how much that old lady you call "Grandma" tells you that you're living with your father because he won't lay down rules. It doesn't matter. You do it because you want to do it, and that, my good people, is acceptable.

Oh. Yeah.

Better than that though? I SO put pictures on the cast page and expanded it! Oh yay! I'm going to check my page out tonight on a 56k connection, so I can sympathize with some of you and look at splitting some of my pages up and all. But anyway, have a great set of days, though chances are I'll be updating a lot. It gets boring around here somedays. Really...fricken...boring.

Signing Off--Lauren

p.s.Cast Page

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