late nights and loud fights
it's all just a blur

10:56 a.m. | 2004-11-18
I Feel Like Life's Running So Fast These Days

I'm growing older by the day, and I just realized that. I just realized that every moment that ticks by is another one that I can't afford to lose. I've let far too many of them slip by so far, and I'm going to push my hardest not to do it again.

It all comes from a theory that my priorities and my focus is in the wrong area right now.

Don't get me wrong, giving thought and time and effort to my current jobs I believe should still remain important to me. I should still focus on doing my best and earning my way up the company in Starbucks--because that shows promise. Not only does getting a job like that say a lot about a person, but holding it for years shows so much more. So, I'll be keeping it, as I go to school, so that some years ahead of me when someone says, "how long have you worked for Starbucks" I can promptly reply, 'it'll be 4 years this May.'

Because I want to be able to say I've done something. And that never comes without effort. Unfortunately I can say I graduated IB. And soon I hope to tell them I have a degree and I've been working with a company for a steady 4 years, and that I'm planning on getting a corporate job with them. Or using them as a platform to move to a better one.

I just feel right now that if someone looked at me they'd see 19. Two jobs. No school. Lives with parents.

Yet, when I see me (luckily) I see something COMPLETELY different. I see ambition. I see personal drive. I see the want and the need to be nothing less than satisfied with myself. I see this new person emerging (and to me, personal growth is such an amazing thing to watch). I see dedication. I see a future. And I see promise.

But I'm the only one who can see this.

I realized the other day that I was hired with a girl that had a year of coffee house experience. And she had better availability than me. And yet my manager said that she was afraid to hire her, but she was never afraid to hire me. She said I was assertive enough to make her believe I could do anything.

And that felt cool.

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