late nights and loud fights
it's all just a blur

2:21 p.m. | 2004-07-29
Oh The Love Of My Life; Consistant and True

It all started when I was younger.

My mommy had this beautiful camera (an old Olympus OM10). And she would take these pictures of things, and me, and life, and just so much...and they were gorgeous.

Funny thing was, she never was a great photographer. She took pictures of pretty things. Beautiful mountains, great scenes, cute little blond girls in dresses--nothing challenging. And thus nothing spectacular came from her photography.

Then I entered High School. I was in yearbook, and I took a photo class, and by the time I had gotten to college, I was in love.

After bopping around from camera to camera I've found my current love (another version of my second love, the Nikon FT). We've started a slow relationship, slightly rocky, but so far things are ok (the first roll I took was outside at dusk, not a good time to push film with no flash). So soon there'll be a fun shoot of me on there, perhaps even today, who knows. all simplicity, check the page out, tell me what you think, I'll be ecstatic.

Have a great day kiddies.

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