late nights and loud fights
it's all just a blur

9:57 a.m. | 2004-06-30
Dreams Of Burritos

So. I've got time.

I've pretty much made my decision to stay in Fort Collins for a year and work. Why you ask?

It's no longer to post-pone education in order to "figure out what I want to do." It's gained this whole new twist.

See. My father could have paid for me to go to Boston for all 5 years. There was enough money to do that. But, I decided not to. And as we were talking the other day I found myself thinking how much I'd love to own my own business.

Where were we at that exact moment? Big City. For those of you who don't know what that crappy little link leads you to: it's the best burrito place in the entire world. It's delicious, and so cheap, and so wonderful, and just the best burrito I've ever tasted.

I had been joking earlier this year about how "Itza Wrap" (a shitty burrito place in Boston) sucked so badly I felt like it'd be a good idea to open a BCB (Big City Burrito) in the area.

Why am I waiting to go to school then?

I want to open my own Big City in Boston. I have an idea of where, I've thought on the business plans, and I'm going to use this year to decide: degree, or business.

I have the chance to be a big girl. To step up to the plate. To accomplish that which I've always wanted. And for more than one reason it almost seems fail-safe. And I'm scared to do it. That's the biggest part, I'd be moving to Boston to start buying a lease on a place, signs for the business, hiring kids to work, etc etc.

I want dirty grungy college kids. That's the Big City aura. And I think I could just do that.

I can't wait for my future. Whether I play it safe and get the degree now. Or open a business and start later. I can't wait.

Signing Off--Lauren

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