late nights and loud fights
it's all just a blur

11:52 a.m. | 2004-04-06
And Green Day Kick Starts...NOW!

I figured I'd post before things went south. Not that they're going south, just that they're all uppety, and one can't go up forever.

Still working on that to-do list, though it appears as I'll have a little break here. My Sociology exam is going to be the easiest thing ever, I could honestly get an A if I hadn't gone to class. Which I kinda...sorta...didn't.

I mean I did, just not ALL that often. Oh well, that's what freshman year's for. OH! Which reminds me...

I was reviewing a diary the other day and the person I reviewed went back and looked at this hunk of junk and said, had it now been for my bio page she would have never guessed I was a freshman in college.

Do I really put off that sort of image? Do I sound older and "wiser" and all that crap? Because honestly, I rarely feel it.

I don't want to be haughty and above people and all those things. I've always been "old for my age." I've always looked older, I've always acted older, I've always thought older. My parents drilled it into my head as they used to tell their friends jokingly that I was "6, going on 40."

Is it appropriate that we raise our children like that? I mean, I always loved playing and I played a lot, but I also was mature and acted older and didn't really conform to the sillyness of childhood.

I always thought the way my parents raised me was good. Perhaps I'll have to take a second look to make sure I got the childhood I wanted. Or perhaps I just conform to the American ideal that we all have lost childhoods because we want a reason to be immature (which is simply a way of shirking our responsibilities).

Yeah. That's it.

Signing off--Lauren

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