late nights and loud fights
it's all just a blur

1:14 a.m. | 2003-10-29
My Fingers Are So Cold--They Go Slow

Word of the Day for Tuesday October 28, 2003

largess, also largesse lar-ZHES; lar-JES; LAR-jes, noun:
1. Generous giving (as of gifts or money), often accompanied by condescension.
2. Gifts, money, or other valuables so given.
3. Generosity; liberality.

Not sure I understand that word. And more than that, you remember the mood I had yesterday? It continues.

Eddy came over tonight, in fact, he's here right now. But nothing really happened today, I went to class, and I came home, and I worked a little, then I got "sexiled" so Eddy and Melissa could have their time. Then I wandered around outside, and as I was headed out to do that when Colin stopped me, he says, as he starts to walk along with me, 'where you going?' and I tell him my situation and where I was going...and he says to me (why I mention this is because it's really strange) 'well, you can always hang in my room.' At this point, he splits from me, and I just can't help but get confused at the WAY he said it.

I get home from walking and I go to sit by the window (they're still in the room) and sure enough, along he comes abounding again. So I just kinda brush it off, trying to get some stuff written, but he comes down 2 more times bothering me, blah. But he'd sit down for a few moments then go. Then Jamie sat down with me and he came in and we talked, and looked out the window, just kinda chilled. Then he ended the conversation how he normally doesn't, he just decided to go and not go into a deep conversation, but to just go to bed.

That's new. Anyway, I'm so spaced, and I don't care, and I'm just...AHHHHH. But anyway, I'm off, I'll do better tomorrow I promise...promise...

Signing Off--Lauren

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