late nights and loud fights
it's all just a blur

11:39 p.m. | 2003-10-26
New Pages, Lots Of Homework, And...Ben Folds Is An Asshole

Word of the Day for Sunday October 26, 2003

impassible im-PASS-uh-buhl, adjective:
1. Incapable of suffering; not subject to harm or pain.
2. Unfeeling or not showing feeling.

Tonight has been interesting to say the least. Corey, Megan's boyfriend, cheated on her months ago, and slept with her the same day, and then bragged about it. So she had a total mental breakdown, and we just kinda had to sit there and hold her hand as she discovered the pain of it all. Joy.

Not to mention that but today is October 26. Now, some of you might say, 'Why Lauren, of course it is, are you insane?' The answer to that is yes, but more than that...4 years ago today Ryan put a shotgun to his faceand killed himself. This is the first year that I didn't wear all black. I didn't feel like it. I never did it as a mourning thing, but I noticed that I did it on accident. I miss him...a lot.

On a bit happier note today filled out well as I talked with Ian for a while, worked on some homework with him, bantered with Colin a bit, made fun of Noah (Ian's roomate) and said bye bye to Jamie. Now this is weird kids, not like me at all.

So Jamie's going home for tonight. Not even the entire night, just for a while, because she has to be back for classes, in fact, she'll be back soon...BUT, as she's leaving I get this weird feeling wash over me like, 'I'm never ever gonna see Jamie again!' I wanted to grab her and keep her! I have no idea why though...and it got me started about leaving next year, and all of the people I'd be leaving behind. That kinda bums me out. And now I have homework, joy, that I have to get done soon, crap, and I actually have to do it today, and I have to call the doctor because my foot hurts SO bad.

On a slightly better note I got the CD reviews page up, and soon I'll be posting a pictures page which will contain artistic shots that I've taken. Right now I only have a few on my computer, but I have a ton of cute candids of my friends on my walls, so those may or may not come down, I don't know, the whole taking them down and scanning them sounds like a lot of work. But anyway, you should give those pages a little check out, tell me what you think, see if they're going well and all.

Other than that, kids, be good!

Signing Off--Lauren

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