late nights and loud fights
it's all just a blur

6:35 p.m. | 2003-10-25
I Don't Want a Man Who Wears Loafers (with or without socks)

Word of the Day for Saturday October 25, 2003

recidivism rih-SID-uh-viz-uhm, noun:
A tendency to lapse into a previous condition or pattern of behavior; especially, a falling back or relapse into prior criminal habits.

I've become hardcore kids, I no longer check the box that says: insert paragraph breaks, because I do know what that means now. Anyway, I had a random thought and an urge.

Do you ever ponder how much you miss in life? I was thinking about this as I said, damn, think of all the little things I experienced today, I went over to Harvard Square, then had lunch in Chinatown and I just experienced so much. Way more than I ever thought I could have ever. So when I got home I looked at the message on my board, it read:

I do have homework to do...
I do have a pile of laundry to wash...
I do have a to-do list a mile long...
And yes, I am out enjoying myself instead of working, deal with it.

I then one saw it, not only am I in a corner of the hall kinda, but there's no one here, nor would they have a reason to walk by. I had this theory in my head, though, that it would be read. Not sure why, I mean with more than 4 seconds of thought I would have figured that out. Huh.

Anyway, I got two new CD's and I was thinking back on that day a long long long time ago when I went over all these CD's I bought. Now, I don't talk too much about it, but I LOVE music, and I have a lot of it in comparison (300+ CD's) so I was thinking that I would start putting up little reviews of the CD's I own, like one per entry or something so that people could see what a CD is about, or just ya know, reference stuff. So when I'm 80 I can look back and say, 'look at all that stuff I used to listen to as a whipper snapper.'

So I'll most likely format that now, and then start to maybe add some CD's onto it, just say what I like about the artist, some simple links with a paragraph, that'd be nice, ya think? I'll format it for now, put a few things on there and then y'all can respond, sound good? Mhmm, I'll be back later kids, be good...


Last night was again, another one of those great nights where you just get to sit back and think, this one not to the same degree, but there was still playfull banter.

I'm beginning to think that Jamie shuts down when Colin's around and I perk up, because everytime we have this situation arise she just kind of gets silly, pokes, makes sexual jokes and the like. We all know she has the capability not to, but it doesn't matter, it still ends up that way. I rather think the reason that I perk up though is that I have something to prove. In my mind Colin doesn't respect me for what I think I am. Strange thing is--this has never bothered me before. If someone thought I was shallow and was silly and could never have an indepth conversation, I didn't care. Though on the other hand all of those people that I didn't care about knowing I wasn't severely impressed with or intrigued by either. Aha. So it works out that I'm impressed and interested in Colin's mind and thought and way he puts himself out there, therefore I need to put myself out there as much as possible for what I really am.

It doesn't really make sense that it'd matter that much, but I still like the look on his face when he realizes something that I've pointed out to him, kind of a 'holy crap, she can think?!' look. Ah, genuine. Anyway, there's more on this topic, like how he might have been just a little under the influence when we were talking, but he was actually more coherent than you'd think, but I'll make no excuses for him and on that note bid you adieu. Good days.

Signing Off--Lauren

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