late nights and loud fights
it's all just a blur

11:45 p.m. | 2003-10-19
Masks-More Than Just Halloween Talk

Word of the Day for Sunday October 19, 2003

execrable EK-sih-kruh-buhl, adjective:
1. Deserving to be execrated; detestable; abominable.
2. Extremely bad; of very poor quality; very inferior.

I like the idea of a word of the day, I think I'll keep it constant.

Now, onto other was good. I went out with mom on those stupid Duck Tour things, it was really rather entertaining, she wanted to drive the boat--she did. Anyway, that was nice and all, but when I got home and settled in at 8, I felt really good. I just felt very in my place.

Next I went to hang around with Jamie by Colin's room. Again, the relationship came into play as he pushed and I pressed buttons and we got to know each other better. I walked away at one point, not upset, just I felt kind of fed up. He wears masks, which pisses me off so much. It makes me just can someone so smart cover themselves up and pretend to be so stupid by wearing a mask?! Why does that make them feel better? It's almost aggrivating to the point that, agh.

Colin said something tonight, something about killing himself or being killed, and I said that we don't joke about that, he asked why. I stood there and very seriously said, 'we don't joke about that.' He tried to pry out why. I refused. Ryan's mine, and I'm not going to explain something to someone who just has started to understand me, it's not very fair to just let go of myself like that.

Seems that it's how it leaves me some days, somethings were mentioned:

Colin: There's too much being ridden on me.
Lauren: Too much?
Lauren: Or is the way it's breaking you right now joyously perfect?
Colin: (silence)

Signing Off--Lauren

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