late nights and loud fights
it's all just a blur

3:15 p.m. | 2003-10-10
You Can Tell You're From Colorado When Birkenstocks ARE Winter Wear

Today was entertaining to say the least, even if it's not over yet. So I went to my first class, realizing as I went to it that I couldn't go to my last class because I hadn't done the homework. Oh well. Didn't want to go anyway, you guys all know what happened last time I went to History.

So, I went to music, that was fun, we listened to nice music this time, she went over what's going to be on the Mid Term again, and yes, it's going to be a ton, but oh well.

Next I move onto World Architecture, heh. So I go and we talk about all sorts of fun things, like monuments in Greece and stuff. I don't think I want to be an architect, and that's becoming more and more apparant. We'll discuss that later. So, I start to write this letter to a friend of mine, kind of so the guy next to me could see I was writing a letter to a boy. Well, afterwards he's like, let's go to lunch, and this is Brian by the way, creepy kid who gave me a flower, whoa there. But it turns out he gave one to Loren too, so it's not too weird. Oy. Anyway, we went out to lunch and it was just. While I was there it was ok, I mean he thinks at a pretty high level, but he's so excited to see these things, I just sit there and smirk because I've been through it already.

Problem. I've been through it, and now that I sit back here and just look back on it, I feel dirty or wrong or something for semi-enjoying it. It's just ugh. Like I feel icky, and when we were standing there talking and he dropped me off at my dorm thank GOD there were girls that came by, I got to show my social side, maybe turn him off a bit. It was creepy. Anyway, I don't like thinking about that. I'm moving on.

Things between Kristin and I are better, she's more...I don't know, we're cool together, maybe harder to hate me when the other members of the group aren't around? Plus I've been totally nice and all. I've tried not to make fun of her AT ALL. Very careful.

So, I guess that means I made that decision I was talking about yesterday. I'm just going to sit back, I guess. Maybe I'll think on it more later, but that's what I'm going to do for now, just like I always do, appease. Heh, good luck with that Lauren. Alright, more later.


I want a kiss right now. REALLY bad. I don't want to make things weird with anyone right now, but seriously, a nice little kiss would be so wonderful. It would make me beam with so much excitement that you'd have a hard time telling if I was on crack. It seems silly I guess, that I want something like that, I wish I could just jerk off like a guy and then feel all better. Ugh, the easy life of men ;)

I don't know. I miss Gabe. I just want to go out and be tired with him and feel good about that. It's not fair. Bastard men need to like me, now. I saw the clock twice today at those digits where they're all the same (1:11 and 4:44), and I made my wish like I was supposed to. The first time I asked for a boy to like me, then I changed it in the middle to a certain boy. Then the second time I wished only for that second boy. I got creepy Brian. Joy for Lauren. I'm sick of the creepy boys. give me one that doesn't watch anime, or name his computer, or ugh!!! Actually, I think the naming thing is kinda cute...

Side note. I was sitting there with Ian on that on off night, and I said something about naming his computer, he's like, I haven't done it yet. Actually, I was thinking of Lauren (here's where I think he might just like the name) and he adds "dedicating it to you or something." Ok, a bit creepy, but so endearing, I love it. I went to Victoria's Secret today and bought Ian his cologne, along with his hot pockets. It works out well for all of us I think. He smells good, I'm sitting here alone in my room wishing there was someone next to me that smelled good. Fa.

Signing Off--Lauren

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