late nights and loud fights
it's all just a blur

12:57 p.m. | 2003-09-17
it's like pensate, but better

Typing, it's like stroking a keyboard, and I'm not sure I like that idea.

Green turns orange.

When I don't look at the green start button, it looks orange. The complimentary color of green Red is like orange I guess, but it's definitely a little bit pale orange. Oy, somedays it makes me think I've lost it. I think I need an update on what it used to be like, let's re-read yesterday's.

Well, it appears that I wanted someone. Someone to listen, someone to hold me, someone to want. Things are the same there, I've decided I don't suck so much at this architecture thing, as much as I may not have that natural talent for it.

I went to Brian's today, well tonight, just to hang out for a little bit before he turned 20, yeah, that's old people, 20. But anyway, I've been talking a lot with Logan lately, not sure if I've mentioned him. This daily entry thing keeps me in line, I really should get on it again. Anyway, Logan Munoz, and he and I have been chatting, we plan on drinking a bottle or two of wine, him playing the piano a little, and just talking. I promised him a long in depth talk with me over our life philosophies, seeing as I never gave him a chance to ever get that close to me. As I get to know myself that much more, though, it appears as if I can let go a little more.

I like that thought, of being comfortable with who I am. It's nice and strangely, comforting. This is the part where I get burned out, I didn't used to get burned out, why am I now?

I was just, why do sad songs touch us? Think about it, there are some really classic sad sad songs that still don't sound silly, they hurt as bad, they seem the same. I like it, though. I wish that was true for other things in life, just that I could get that pure emotion out of other things, little things.

I'll play more with the song thing later, I like that idea. What can I do with my art/life/me to make it that way?

Signing off--Lauren

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